Wide Range of Modern Spinning Machines

Textile industry is taking benefits of automation. In textile industry many processes are carried out to produce threads, yarn and finally a fine fabric for several end products. Spinning is one of the processes in textile industry wherein threads are converted into yarn. If you are confused selecting a spinning machinery, this post will definitely help you to choose the right machine for specific application.

What Type of Yarn can be Produced?
The spinning machines are used to produce different types of yarns. The methods are different for spinning cotton fibers, polymer fibers and composite fibers.  Here are the different types of spinning methods and machines used in the process
Cotton Fiber Spinning and Making of Staple Yarn
For cotton fiber spinning machines use different techniques like ring spinning, friction spinning, air jet spinning, rotor spinning, electrostatic spinning, twist less spinning, vortex spinning etc. In textile industry most commonly used processes are ring spinning plants and open end spinning plants.
Making Filament Yarn and Artificial Fiber Spinning
The process for artificial fibers is totally different from cotton fiber process. The methods for artificial fiber spinning include dry spinning, wet spinning, melt spinning, film splitting spinning, bi-component spinning etc.
Composite Fiber Spinning
Composite yarns are specially designed for fashion clothing, curtains, carpets etc. The machines include double winding machines, TFO twisters, spinning, hollow spindle twisting, two stage twisting etc.

So, spinning procedure involves different techniques depending on the type of fiber to be spun and kind of yarn to be produced. Thus, it is required to decide the spinning process you want at the plant.